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Eastern Iowa Hay Producers Meeting Set for March 20 in Welton

Eastern Iowa Hay Producers Meeting Set for March 20 in Welton

By Andi Anderson

The Eastern Iowa Hay Producers Association (EIHPA) will host its 40th Annual Meeting and Conference on March 20 at Buzzy’s in Welton. The event invites all hay producers in the region to attend and gain valuable insights into forage production. Registration begins at 10 a.m., and the program starts at 10:30 a.m.

This year’s event will feature expert speakers from Iowa State University (ISU). Assistant Professor Shelby Gruss will discuss selecting alfalfa varieties, covering traits, economic considerations, and variety ratings.

Agricultural climatology specialist Madelynn Wuestenberg will present a weather outlook for the 2025 growing season. Additionally, ISU Extension and Outreach Beef Specialist Denise Schwab will provide strategies for drought-proofing forage bases, while agronomist Virgil Schmitt will discuss the economic benefits of fertilizing forages.

Following a noon meal, EIHPA will hold its annual meeting to elect officers and directors. The day will conclude with a prize drawing.

The conference fee is $30, covering event registration, an EIHPA membership, and lunch. Tickets are available at the door, and certified crop advisor credits can be earned. The event is co-sponsored by EIHPA, ISU Extension and Outreach, and the Iowa Beef Center.

EIHPA regularly organizes educational workshops and field days for hay producers in Jackson, Jones, Clinton, Cedar, Scott, and Muscatine counties. However, forage producers from any county are welcome to attend. For more details, contact Kevin Brown at or call 563-872-4475.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-ianchrisgraham

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Categories: Iowa, Crops, Hay & Forage
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