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Free custom combining service in ND

Free custom combining service in ND

By Scout Nelson

Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring has announced the activation of the North Dakota Harvest Hotline.

“Farmers who need custom combining and combiners looking for a job should call us at 701-328-5110,” Goehring said. “Your name and information will be entered into the Harvest Hotline database to be matched up with other callers.”

Goehring mentioned that the North Dakota Department of Agriculture staff will be available to answer hotline calls on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Additionally, callers can leave messages during evenings and weekends. The service is free of charge.

This year, a self-service Harvest Hotline map is also available again. The map can be accessed by clicking on “Maps” at Users can click on icons to find information about harvesters available in their area.“Both farmers and harvesters are already utilizing the service,” Goehring said.

First launched in 1992 in response to adverse weather conditions that created a high demand for custom combining, the Harvest Hotline has been offered annually as a free service for farmers and custom harvesters.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-creischl

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Categories: North Dakota, General, Government & Policy, Harvesting, Rural Lifestyle, Farm Safety
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