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Kansas farm report - strong early harvest

Kansas farm report - strong early harvest

By Scout Nelson

For the week ending on June 16, 2024, Kansas farmers experienced a fruitful period with 5.4 days deemed suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. This report brought optimistic news about both soil moisture and various crop conditions throughout the state.

In terms of soil moisture, the topsoil was well-distributed with 7% rated as very short, 24% short, 63% adequate, and 6% surplus. The subsoil moisture also showed a healthy balance with 9% very short, 30% short, 57% adequate, and 4% surplus, indicating a favorable environment for crop growth.

The field crops report highlighted several key developments. Winter wheat's condition was encouraging, with 98% of the wheat showing coloring, well ahead of last year's 77% and the five-year average of 84%.

76% of the wheat has matured, significantly exceeding last year's 36% and the average of 38%. Harvesting has also progressed rapidly, with 28% completed, far surpassing the 6% at this time last year and the average of 8%.

Corn crops are showing robust health, with conditions rated at 54% good and 9% excellent. The emergence of corn stood at 94%, slightly above last year's 90% and the average of 89%. The silking stage was reported at 1%, consistent with the average.

Soybeans also displayed strong growth, with 63% rated good and 9% excellent. Planting was nearly complete at 86%, closely matching last year's 89% and surpassing the typical 83%. The emergence of soybeans was at 73%, a bit behind last year but still ahead of the 67% average.

Other crops like sorghum and cotton also reported good conditions. Sorghum showed that 47% was in good condition with 6% rated excellent, and 73% of the planting was completed, ahead of last year's figures.

Cotton's condition was favorable as well, with 46% rated good and 12% excellent, and 95% of planting done, slightly ahead of last year.

Sunflower planting was ahead of schedule, reaching 69%, which is better than both last year's 59% and the average of 61%. Meanwhile, pasture and range conditions were mostly positive, with 46% rated good and 9% excellent.

Photo Credit -istock-pixeldigits

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Categories: Kansas, Crops
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