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Create a pollinator paradise in your yard

Create a pollinator paradise in your yard

By Blake Jackson

Wisconsinites are encouraged to celebrate Pollinator Week, June 17-23, by helping the many native pollinators that play a crucial role in the state's ecosystem.

These pollinators, including bees (with over 400 native species!), butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, some beetles, and flies, transfer pollen between flowers, enabling plants to produce fruits and seeds. They're vital not only for our gardens and backyards, but also for natural areas that define Wisconsin's beauty.

"We're fortunate to have healthy populations of even some endangered species like the Karner blue butterfly and the rusty patched bumble bee," says Jay Watson, a DNR insect ecologist. "But all our pollinators need a helping hand."

Here's how you can be a pollinator champion:

Create a pollinator haven in your garden:

  • Plant native flowers and trees: Choose early bloomers to feed bees emerging from hibernation and offer a variety throughout the season with options like columbine, bee balm, and goldenrod.
  • Provide food for butterfly larvae: Research and plant native host plants like milkweed for monarchs, violets for meadow fritillaries, or dill for black swallowtails.
  • Offer water and shelter: A shallow birdbath provides hydration, while brush piles and untrimmed hollow-stemmed plants offer safe havens.
  • Ditch the chemicals: Pesticides and herbicides harm pollinators and their food sources.

Go beyond your backyard:

  • Volunteer your time: Train with the Wisconsin Bumble Bee Brigade, Wisconsin Karner Volunteer Monitoring Program, or Monarch Larva Monitoring Project.
  • Help maintain natural areas: Sign up for the State Natural Areas Volunteer Program to control invasive species and collect native seeds.
  • Donate to conservation: Support the Endangered Resources Fund to protect pollinators and their habitats.

By acting, we can ensure these "buzzing beauties" continue to thrive and contribute to a healthy, vibrant Wisconsin.

Photo Credit: pexels-pixabay

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Categories: Wisconsin, General
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