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Missouri corn and soybean harvest progress reports

Missouri corn and soybean harvest progress reports

By Blake Jackson

In the week ending October 13, 2024, Missouri experienced 6.9 days suitable for fieldwork, with an average statewide temperature of 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit 5.6 degrees above normal. Precipitation was notably absent, averaging 0.00 inches, which is 0.63 inches below the typical levels for this time of year.

Topsoil moisture conditions were concerning, with 17% rated very short, 39% short, and 44% adequate. Subsoil moisture levels were similarly impacted, with 12% very short, 35% short, and 53% adequate.

Corn harvesting for grain progressed significantly, reaching 73%, surpassing the five-year average of 58%.

Soybeans were also making strides, with 91% of the crop dropping leaves and 41% harvested, compared to the five-year average of 84% and 28%, respectively.

The condition of soybeans varied, with 2% rated very poor, 7% poor, 22% fair, 56% good, and 13% excellent.

Cotton bolls opening stood at 98%, slightly ahead of the five-year average of 95%, with 38% harvested, compared to 25% in previous years.

Rice harvesting reached 92%, outperforming the average of 82%. Meanwhile, winter wheat planting was at 22%, slightly below the average of 26%, with only 4% emerged compared to the usual 8%.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-awakr10

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Categories: Missouri, Crops, Corn, Soybeans
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