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Missouri farmers see strong progress in planting

Missouri farmers see strong progress in planting

By Blake Jackson

Missouri farmers saw favorable conditions last week, with 5.8 days suitable for fieldwork. Temperatures averaged slightly above normal, and precipitation came in a bit lower than usual. Topsoil and subsoil moisture remain mostly adequate, with only a small percentage experiencing short-term dryness.

Corn development is exceeding expectations. Emergence reached 97%, surpassing the historical average by 4%. Silking just began at 1%, on par with the typical pace. Corn health shows improvement, with a larger portion of the crop rated good or excellent compared to previous weeks.

Soybean planting is also ahead of schedule, reaching 86% completion compared to the usual 80% at this time. Emergence sits at 78%, well above the average. Like corn, soybean health is improving, with a larger share of the crop in good or excellent condition.

Cotton planting is progressing well, with squaring reaching 18%, exceeding the historical average by 2%. Cotton health is also promising, with most crops rated good.

Rice conditions show improvement, with 70% of the crops rated good. Winter wheat harvest for grain is advancing quickly, reaching 38% complete, nearly double the average progress at this point in the season. Winter wheat health remains mostly good.

Overall, Missouri farmers are capitalizing on favorable conditions to make significant progress in planting and crop development. While there's a slight dryness concern, current moisture levels appear adequate for continued growth.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-nes

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Categories: Missouri, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat
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