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New York Allocates $15.8M for Dairy Farm Sustainability

New York Allocates $15.8M for Dairy Farm Sustainability

By Blake Jackson

Governor Kathy Hochul announced the allocation of over $15.8 million to 22 farms through the inaugural round of the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Enhanced Nutrient and Methane Management Program (CAFO ENMP).

This initiative, a key component of Governor Hochul's commitment to sustainable dairy farming, aims to protect water quality and mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“The dairy industry is a cornerstone of New York’s economy, thanks to the dedication of dairy farmers and manufacturers across the state whose work has made this commodity New York’s largest agricultural sector,” Governor Hochul said. “I am proud to help our farmers reduce their carbon footprint while continuing to put world-class products on the tables of New Yorkers for generations to come.”

The CAFO ENMP provides funding for projects that enhance manure management practices, such as:

  • Nutrient and GHG Management Best Management Practices Systems (Track A): 17 projects received funding for initiatives aimed at improving nutrient utilization, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and protecting water quality.
  • Manure Storage Cover and Flare Projects (Track B): Five projects were awarded for implementing manure storage covers and flares, which capture and utilize methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas.

These projects are expected to collectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 122,833 metric tons of CO2 equivalent annually, equivalent to removing 28,651 gas-powered vehicles from the road.

Here's a list of the award recipients.

The funding is distributed through the State's Soil and Water Conservation Districts across various regions of New York, supporting projects in watersheds throughout the state.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-ahavelaar

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Categories: New York, Government & Policy, Livestock, Dairy Cattle
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