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Private pesticide training in Springfield

Private pesticide training in Springfield

By Blake Jackson

The University of Missouri Extension will host an in-person Private Pesticide Applicator Training in Springfield on January 28.

This training is mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Missouri Department of Agriculture to ensure applicators understand pesticide competency standards and regulations.

Those seeking to maintain their private pesticide applicator license must complete recertification every five years, according to MU Extension agronomist Terry Halleran.

The training is open to individuals aged 16 and older who wish to use restricted-use pesticides on property they own or manage that produces agricultural commodities.

The event will cover a range of important topics, including safe pesticide handling, proper mixing, calibration techniques, and the environmental impact of improper pesticide use.

Attendees will also learn about pesticide formulations, record-keeping requirements, personal protective equipment (PPE), and how to clean and store pesticides correctly. Additionally, the training will address integrated pest management and common Missouri pests.

The session will run from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Missouri State University Darr Center, located at 901 S. National Ave.

Those interested in attending can register online at or contact MU Extension in Hickory County at 417-745-6767 for more information.

Photo Credit: university-of-missouri

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