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Submit the land inclusion requests for Chautauqua County

Submit the land inclusion requests for Chautauqua County

By Blake Jackson

In accordance with New York State Agriculture and Markets Law 303-b, the Chautauqua County Legislature has designated January 2 through January 31, 2025, as the official 30-day period for landowners to request inclusion of predominantly viable agricultural land into an existing certified agricultural district.

During this time, landowners can submit written requests for inclusion, provided their property meets the definition of “viable agricultural land” as outlined in Agriculture and Markets Law § 301, subdivision 7. Land already within the district does not need to reapply.

To request inclusion, landowners must complete the Agricultural District Inclusion Worksheet. This form requires a written description of the land, the tax map identification number, and a copy of the relevant section of a tax map that shows the land's location. The worksheet, current Agricultural Districts Map, and other information are available on the Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development website at

Landowners can also print out the map via the County’s GIS website at All requests must be submitted to the Department of Planning and Development at 201 West Third St., Suite 115, Jamestown, NY 14701, or via email to by 4:30 p.m. on January 31, 2025. Requests will only be accepted during the designated period.

Once the submission period ends, the Chautauqua County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board (AFPB) will review the proposed parcels for inclusion. Based on their recommendations, a report will be prepared for review by the Planning & Economic Development (PED) Legislative Committee. After committee review, the recommendations will be forwarded to the County Legislature for a public hearing.

Following the hearing, the Legislature will vote on the proposed inclusion. If approved, the resolution will be sent to the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets for certification. If certified, the land will officially become part of the Agricultural District.

Agricultural districts prioritize agricultural land use and offer protections to help sustain farming operations and preserve agricultural land. For more information or to determine if your land is in an Agricultural District, visit the Chautauqua County Planning and Development website or contact Lauren Sharp at (716) 661-8245 or

Photo Credit: gettyimage-jamesbrey

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Categories: New York, Government & Policy
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