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USDA fights for fair beef markets

USDA fights for fair beef markets

By Scout Nelson

USDA recently took steps to promote fairer and more competitive markets in the beef industry, which is currently dominated by just four packers controlling over 80% of the market.

The agency’s report highlights unjust and anticompetitive pricing strategies, sparking a new rulemaking effort to improve price discovery and fairness in cattle markets.

“Increased transparency in cattle pricing is essential for cattle markets to be fair and competitive in this country.” said Mark Watne, President of the North Dakota Farmers Union.

In 2022, the Senate Agriculture Committee advanced the Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act, but the bill was never brought to the floor for a vote.

“We urge Congress to act now to protect the cash market and the price transparency it provides.” said Mark Watne.

Despite Congressional delays, Watne praised the USDA’s efforts to keep the conversation moving forward and explore ways to ensure fair practices in alternative marketing arrangements.

The Farmers Union has long advocated for reforms in the livestock industry. In 2020, their Ad Hoc Livestock Committee suggested improving price discovery, reinstating mandatory country-of-origin labeling, and increasing local and regional slaughter capacity to support a more equitable market for producers.

Photo Credit: usda

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Categories: North Dakota, Government & Policy, Livestock, Beef Cattle
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